How to survive the darkest day of the year: Black Friday

9:12 PM Kimspiracy 6 Comments

\I can feel the holiday spirit already. A night of stuffing myself and celebrating a nice family dinner for Thanksgiving followed by pure chaos within 10 hours of each other. Black Friday: A day of rushing, spending money on unnecessary items, pushing through people, waiting in long lines, no parking, multiple coffee runs, and constant tripping over all the clothes on the floor. Doesn't that image just warm your heart? Nope. Mine either. Black Friday is extremely chaotic and it is easy to get overwhelmed by both the sales and the people. But that's what makes it so fun! It's like NYC, when describing it, you see no point for all the fuss made out of it but it it's all about the experience. Not only are you getting the best deals you will see for the rest  of the year but it's exciting to just walk through the stores. 

I'm actually not the most festive when it comes to Black Friday, I actually like to wait for Cyber Monday. No lines, no hunting, nor pushing nor rushing. Everything is right at your fingertips. However, there are always positives and negatives to both. There is always the wait for all your packages to arrive and having to charge everything on your cards and not being able to try items on or seeing them in person.

Both are difficult to deal with so I have created a list of tips on surviving both and how to make the best of both days.

How to Survive Black Friday
  1. Know your sales in advance. Make sure to do your research and checkout what deals will be where and figure out what is best for you. This will avoid buying an item in one store and then finding the same item for a better deal elsewhere.
  2. Make a list of what you want. Go in already knowing you "Must-buys." That way you have your shopping priorities in mind and won't rush to pick them up last minute or hate yourself when you come home with things you didn't need and missed ut on items you did want.
  3. Make sure you are aware of the time in which deals end. Most store's have a set time for their deals. There are door busters and most will en around 10 am or 11 am. Know your times to avoid the confusion of picking out everything you want and finding out at the register that the deal has ended.
  4. Find a good shopping friend. Usually it's your best friend, sometimes your mom, sometimes even your sister. But having someone to go with you is the best way to not only be productive but make the day more of a fun trip rather than a mission for deals. There are many ups to having a shopping buddy. Company, second opinions, and help with deals.
  5. Shop early. Early bird gets the worm. Going in extra early means doorbuster deals, better inventory and extra time for shopping.
  6. Eat well. Make sure you eat well before going out shopping. You'll be tired from the lack of sleep and won't have time for a full meal before all the sales end. Most likely you will be snacking while on your trip but will not get to eat real food until your shopping journey is over.
  7. Save your place in line. Another great positive to having a friend to shop with is a solution to long lines. A great trick is having your friend wait in line while you shop and then switching. You take his/her place in line while they shop and then pay together.
  8. 40% Rule. This is a general black friday rule on clothes. Many people are fooled by the belief and great advertisement that black friday is the best day for the best deals. However, that is more true on electronics. For clothes, try to recognize 40% off of the original price deals. If it is not 40% off the total, then you will most likely find a better deal on another occasion.
  9. Coffee is your best friend. This is just a general rule of life and applies to all tips.
I hope this helps a little to make your Friday run as smooth as possible. While this may be a big day for shopping remember to keep your general shopping rules in mind. Such as, do you really love it? Are you really going to wear it? Will it matter in 5 years? Another great strategy that I use is shopping on Friday for myself and the deals I know will be best. Then, shopping for christmas gifts or family and friends on Cyber Monday. That way I can focus on what I want and try items on.

Good luck everyone! .

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  1. Black Friday is a hectic event but you have some great tips, Kim! I'm still trying to decide if I want to go or not :/

    1. Thanks! If you're still debating it, I would go for an hour at least if you're bored. The way I see it, you've got nothing to loose.

  2. Ha! Cool survivor's tips!:-) Yes, shopping online these crazy days seems the most tempting adventure!:-)
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  3. Great tips! I wish we had Black Friday here in Italy... There never seem to be any decent sales EVER, the best they can do is 30-50% twice a year...

    Bella Pummarola

    1. Yes, but you have everything else! haha that's probably the one thing the US has that Italy doesn't.
