New Tapestry

10:56 AM Kimspiracy 1 Comments

Just wanted to share my new Tapestry! I've always been a fan of tapestries but was never able to find one that suited my personality or taste or just said something about me that I'd be willing to put in  my room. But I knew my sister wanted one so I took the opportunity on Cyber Monday to search of it. In the process of looking for one for her, I found myself one. They say you can't search for love, it comes to you. I guess that applies to room decor as well! 

I love the scene and it adds a whole new vibe to my room!

Probably shouldn't be painting on my white sheets but I loved the vibe and couldn't help myself.

Here's the one I bought my sister. (Excuse her messy desk)

Well there you have it. Tapestries are a perfect way to either cover up and empty wall or transform a room. I definitely recommend them. But please do not just buy one to buy one or you will most likely regret it. If it is going up in your room it is something you will be looking at everyday. So search for one that says something about you or that you truly adore. Also pay attention to the size! Mine is really big but I had a big empty wall to cover, make sure you have space to put it.

I got both mine and my sister's from Urban Outfitters. They have some very beautiful ones so I suggest everyone at least take a look.

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1 comment:

  1. Your new tapestry is amazing! It definitely gives a personal touch to the decoration. Your sister's tapestry is also great!! (PS, if you wanna see messy desks you should see mine hahaha)
